Kailaasa Kuala Lumpur
3 min readAug 2, 2021



Report published : https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/IntOrder/Multilateralism/AdiShaiviteMinorityTradition.pdf

#Globalization of #disease has led the world to be only as resilient as the least resilient country and person , especially for highly contagious COVID-19 which has spread with scale and severity not seen since #Spanishflu . The variants of the virus (such as B.1.617.2 Delta , #DeltaPlus, Epsilon, #Gamma ) continue to threaten even those vaccinated. Secondary diseases such as black fungus are targeting #COVID patients and killing almost one in two persons in such cases.

Human life is more precious and important than all economic principles or systems in totality because all these concepts are legitimate only because of their utility value which is to fundamentally make human life better. At least until this ongoing crisis ends, all economic policies (related to money, banking, fixing prices of commodities, etc.) need to be revised to make sure no human being suffers from hunger or the absence of required medical care.

For this purpose KAILASA has presented a detailed report on effective solution for #Covid-19 through multilateralism that was published by #UN ( https://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/IntOrder/Pages/cfi-covid19-multilateralism.aspx )

Earlier reports recognised by UN -
Report on the rights of #indigenous #women and girls - https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CEDAW/Pages/DGDRightsIndigenousWomenAndGirls.aspx?fbclid=IwAR3UHEG_sIcfnZzG0KQryKszP20RadTiBT-1XKzG9cvvipkzNpKaCXo4E2g

Report on #femicide -

